
Dwitter is a Twitter-like social media web app written in Javascript. The name “Dwitter” stands for “David’s Twitter”. Users can post their thoughs, follow other user, comment and like other user’s posts.

Live Demo
Source Code

The app is built on Node.js with Express. Other technologies and library using in this project are listing below:

UI Library: MDUI

Database: MongoDB, Mongoose

Authentication: passport.js, bcrypt, express-session, express-flash


2020.7.16 Version 1.0

(The app is officially for public testing)

  1. Improve UI with MDUI (Material Design UI)
  2. Add following & unfollowing features
  3. Add like & unlike features
  4. Implement express-flash to show flash message
  1. Authentication with passport.js
  2. Refactor the code
  1. Initialize the project by setting up the routers and database models
  2. Add Basic UI with HTML & CSS
  3. Add posts & comments create and delete features
To-do List

Other features comming. If you have any idea, send email to

  1. Implement photo library for user to upload their photos
  2. Display the number of favorite for each post
  3. Implement google / facebook login
  4. User can change their own avatars
  5. Routers refactor

